Kaitek Arquitectura is made up of highly qualified architects, surveyors and building engineers. We provide a comprehensive technical service for projects and works to individuals, property owners and property managers. We have more than 10 years of experience doing projects and construction management and our clients endorse us. We have extensive experience in rehabilitation, reform and change of use. We also carry out inspections and reports on the constructive state of the buildings.

Sergio Sanz Jiménez
Sergio Sanz JiménezPartner architect
Postgraduate in Sustainability
Postgraduate in Real State Management
Pau Martínez Gargallo
Pau Martínez GargalloPartner architect
Master in Sustainability
Postgraduate en Rehabilitation
Passive House Designer certified
Victoria Adrogué Ortiga
Victoria Adrogué OrtigaDesigner
Architecture student at ETSAB
Jordi Arboix Salvadó
Jordi Arboix SalvadóTechnical Architect
Diplomate in Technical Architecture
Master in Sustainability
Guillem Vilaseca Gibert
Guillem Vilaseca GibertInspection technician
Technical Architect by the EPSEB
Rubén Navarro González
Rubén Navarro GonzálezArchitect
Phd Architect
Master in architect theory and history
Professor (UPC and UNED)