ITE price
Today we publish the rates for the Technical Inspection of Buildings in Barcelona: € 215 base price for the preparation of the ITE + € 15 for each home [...]
Today we publish the rates for the Technical Inspection of Buildings in Barcelona: € 215 base price for the preparation of the ITE + € 15 for each home [...]
Gallery ofAroom Arquitectes on Flickr.
The ITV of the buildings will cost 50 euros per floor.
You will be able to reply to the dubtes about the Technical Inspection of the building on the Gencat website: Queries about the ITE to gencat [...]
"The new decree of habitability that regulates the certificate of habitability contains concepts like flexibility and sustainability, interesting from an architectural point of view, treated here: an inappropriate place [...]
Premises located on rooftops (old chicken coops), in basements (old storage rooms) and ground floors (commercial premises) are sold which, with the addition of a simple kitchen, pretend to [...]