The qualification of deficiencies to the ITE
The Decree of 67/2015 replaces the one of 2010 and the qualification of the deficiencies provides novetats: s'afegeix the qualification of important deficiency. Below is an enumeration of the [...]
The Decree of 67/2015 replaces the one of 2010 and the qualification of the deficiencies provides novetats: s'afegeix the qualification of important deficiency. Below is an enumeration of the [...]
The certificate of habitability in Tarragona can be processed at the offices listed below. If you want information or have chosen to complete the process yourself with the certificate [...]
On May 27, 2015, the new ITE decree that regulates the obligation to carry out technical inspections in buildings came into force. You can download the regulations here: Decret [...]
CASUISTICS OF THE HABITATGES PER A L'OBTENCIÓ OF THE CÈDULA D'HABITABILITAT Habitatge after August 11, 1984 Amb cèdula d'habitabilitat: Aquest is the most senzill house , s'obtindrà la cèdula Presentant [...]
To carry out a reform, be it the comprehensive reform of a flat or reform something minor , it is best to understand that different agents will participate in the [...]
Approximately one year, some students interested in sustainable architecture are going to dedicate the batxillerat research team to this subject, and searching on the internet will go to the our [...]
First of all, you have to know that converting a place into a habitat is only possible if the parcel on which the new urban building is located, is to [...]
As I have commented in previous articles, the objective that the legislator persecutes to oblige to exhibit the Certificat d'Efficiència Energètica dels habitatges i locals in publishing an advertisement of [...]
To obtain the energy certificate you need a technician to make an evaluation of the house to be certified. What is done is evaluate all the factors that intervene in [...]
In preparing an energy certificate for a building, one of the most cumbersome calculations is that of the shadow pattern, although it is very simple. To calculate a relatively complex [...]