Why do we have the best price for the energy efficiency certificate?

Although perhaps we are not the cheapest, at KAITEK ARQUITECTURA we work because the process involves the minimum costs for the client while maintaining the quality of the service. For this reason the client has to fill in some simple forms and we automate the process. Our long experience in the processing of certificates means that we have optimized all parts of the process: inspection, certification and processing.

These are our prices .

What is energetic label?

The energy label is the official document obtained when the competent administration has validated the energy certificate made by a technician. Actually the document that is talked about when talking about energy certificate is the label, which is the document that certifies that the certification has been passed and with what rating in consumption and emissions.

- itearquitectes etiqueta certificado

Why do I need the energy efficiency certificate? Is it mandatory?

It is mandatory to rent a home or premises if the rental is going to last longer than 4 months. Even when advertising the property, according to the regulations, it would be mandatory to have it.

Are there exceptions to this obligation?

Buildings that must be renovated or demolished. The buildings to which the CTE is not applicable (building of less than 50 m2) temporary or provisional constructions that have a term of use of less than 2 years. Nor are officially protected buildings or monuments with heritage value required. No buildings used for religious or worship activities.

Can I be fined if I don’t have the certificate?

If the obligation is breached, the penalties set forth in the regulations may range between 300 euros and 6000 euros . Although we know that the administration in this sense has not been excessively strict and seems to prefer to motivate the amendment of the error: urging that the energy certificate be carried out instead of fines. In fact, during the years that we have been certifying, we have not known any case.

How long does it take to get the certificate?

Completion of the process with obtaining the certificate label issued by the administration can normally range from 2 weeks to 1 month maximum . Administration times are usually variable depending on the workload. KAITEK ARQUITECTURA realizes and delivers the energy efficiency certificate to the client within a period of approximately one week.

When does the energy efficiency certificate expire?

After 10 years the energy label expires, so the energy efficiency certificate must be carried out again in case it is in the mandatory cases.

Does my building’s grade have a bearing on it?

The rating ranges from “A” to G “and both consumption and emissions are scored. This means that if the building has two” A “it consumes little energy and emits little CO2.

The worst grades are not penalized with sanctions or administratively . In fact, almost all buildings prior to 1979 (first thermal regulations that included a chamber and insulation in the building) usually have a “G” rating.

If you want to qualify for subsidies for reforms, there are some financial aid that require an improvement in the energy rating after the reform.