With the arrival of overcrowding in large cities, such as Barcelona, the sites for the construction of new buildings in their central areas are increasingly scarce. That is why in the last two decades the processes for the construction of new plants in buildings already built have been regularized and improved.


- skyline barcelona
Big cities want to grow up


The main factor in all remounting project is the weight that the new construction will add to the existing structure. To guarantee structural safety after the lift-off, the following three concepts should be assessed:


  • Study of the state of the structure, consideration of reinforcements of structure and transmission of loads: A team of experts must study and assess that the existing structure works correctly and has not deteriorated. It is possible that over the years the various structural elements that make up the building have lost part of their strength, such as poorly executed renovations in the load-bearing walls inside the houses. This study seeks to assess the maximum load that the structure of the building in question can bear.
  • Lightening of the existing building: Knowing the maximum weight that the building can support, it is sought to unload the building of the existing expendable loads, such as removing the layers of air chambers on the terraces, achieving a larger margin between the load existing and maximum load. The project, normally, will propose the more structures light possible to increase loads as little as possible.
  • Project of a new light plant: Finally it must design a functional plant that complies with all current regulations as well as any other type of work.




Normally all the buildings have the maximum built floors but there are many buildings that, as it is said technically, have not exhausted the buildability. In other words, according to the urban regulations they could build more square meters (either on the upper floor or in another situation)


In the case of neighborhood communities with buildings in which they have not exhausted the buildable area, a reform and extension (in the form of a lift) can be proposed that provides economic value to the community. In other words, the community could sell or lease to a third party, obtaining a large profit economic, that right they have to build more meters on the farm.


This economic benefit will redound to the well-being of the community: you can install a free elevator, fix common spaces, etc …




As architects and engineers know, the weight of buildings constructed using conventional methods usually reaches 1500kg / m2 on the floors of homes, this weight is difficult to manage in remount projects and that is why the new construction systems in steel and wood are the most used.


The structural elements of wood and steel allow to maintain the benefits provided by conventional structures, reducing an approximate value of between 60% and 80% of the structure’s own weight, also improving the sustainability and energy efficiency values inherent in the system.


An example of light structure is the facade of light wooden framework, with an approximate weight of 51kg / m² compared to 275kg / m² for a traditional ceramic façade.


- foto fachada entramado madera




The future of construction will inevitably become a construction with prefabricated or industrialized elements. This type of construction has the peculiarity that its components are manufactured and assembled in workshops to be later placed and assembled on site. This new concept makes it possible to manufacture the “parts” of a building in a controlled environment (higher quality), to work much more comfortably (with more comfortable positions and environment, etc.) and to greatly reduce construction times.


In the new generation lifts, the construction elements are completely assembled in the workshops to later be hoisted and assembled in a new attic of the building. In this way most of the work is carried out without inconvenience for the neighbors and the works in the buildings are carried out in less time than the buildings by traditional methods.


Here are some examples of how entire rooms of the new penthouses are hoisted and placed on the roof of the buildings.


- modul a grua 2
50 m boom lift



A reform of a house as a light lift can be more attractive, more comfortable and structurally more solid than a reform with conventional methods


- remonta 12 naamloos
Spectacular interior finishes


Ask for a budget for a remount project

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