Why did so many evils appear to the façanes of Barcelona darrerament?

Barcelona has a building park in which almost 80% of the ITEs since hi has Decret is in force. So hem tingut molta feina darrerament fent inspeccions and reports als buildings.

For what reason has it concentrated the inspection of the buildings if they had a Decree that obliges the ITE to pass since 2012? Doncs basically because the Generalitat sends a threatening letter to cohercitive measures (from fins to € 90,000) just after 3 years. The fet that is carried out without any inspection at that time, will also be detected without further security problems in the building park.

- carta ite departament habitatge e1576172540870

Potser us has created l’attenció the quantity of malles als balcons, of marquesines als baixos and althres actions of protection to the façans. Això, fonamentally, is due to the fact that in the inspections that have been carried out, they detect situations of risk that must be dealt with by the dam of precautionary measures.

What diu the regulations on precautionary measures

The ITE Regulatory Decree in diu that the technique of detecting that hi has a deficiency greu in l’edifici is obliged to assenyalar if he poses in a situation of risk per les persones. In addition, you must inform the municipal council of the situation that you have built.

The technician will also indicate in each deficiency the precautionary measures that must be applied to the risk of danys s’anul·li.

Tipus de mesures cautelars

Protection Malles

The protective meshes are used to avoid detachment ‘Elements de l’edifici that puguin cause damage to people or to bens propis or aliens. It is possible to use two types of nets: The anti-drop nets or the mosquito nets or antipols. They can be used to functionally substitute Malmese cards and prevent them from falling to different levels. Also to embolcallar façade coatings, revocats, tile, ceramic fish that can be detached.


The canopies are elements that overflow from the pla de façana and that can be normally on the corbel. They usually form unes vigues metál.liques, tubs or petits profiles laminats, between which there is a metallic xapa or a xarxa de protecció with an electrowelded mesh or nylon anticaigudes.

Apuntalaments d’estructure or d’elements constructius

The struts are elements that have a high molt capacitance of rebre càrregues. They are a type of elements that treballe vertically, like the pilars, and have a capacity to withstand fins to 1000 kg normally per prop (depending on the type of prop i l’alçada to which it is regular). Also s’utilitzen per a fer provisional estintolaments in the works of estintolament o “apeo” < / a> of murs de càrrega.

If you have to prescribe a prop with a precautionary measure, it is because you have built an important problem of stability, face that it followed punctually.

If you do not have problems with the building or building that you have applied, precautionary measures because the ITE (the technical report of the building) contact both KAITEK ARCHITECTURE to find the best solution.